Grouping Life at Hope

Along our journey of Discipleship, we are called to Connect with One Another.  We encourage our Hope family to build regular connections with people in numerous ways.  

Life Groups at Hope

These groups are open to anyone who might like to attend regularly or drop in as your schedule allows.  During the meeting time, participants are encouraged to socialize, get to know one another, share a spiritual lesson or story, and depart refreshed and renewed in their weekly walk with Jesus.

  • Men's Group - meets at 6:45pm on 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the church
  • Women's Group - meets at 6:30pm on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the church
  • Families Group - meets at 6:00pm for dinner on 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at the church

Small Groups at Hope

These groups are made up of 5-12 people meeting regularly at a group-specified location.  During these meetings, participants are encouraged to focus around a spiritual lesson, connect and support each other, and, as a group, participate in social events and service projects.  

The best way to get connected to a small group is through the Social & Spirit Groups.

In this Quick Start guide, you'll find three different suggestions for how to structure small group meetings.

Micro Groups at Hope

These groups are made up of 2-4 people meeting regularly.  During these meetings, time is spent connecting to each other in deeper conversation, sharing wins and challenges, lifting and supporting each other, helping each other in their spiritual walk.  These groups form both naturally with people already in our lives (spouse, siblings, friends) and intentionally through people we ask to join us.

The best way to get connected in a Micro Group relationship is look around at those who are already in your inner circle of family, friends, work colleagues, volunteer groups, social clubs, etc.  Foster these Micro relationships through adding a spiritual connection during meetups, asking and sharing personal successes and challenges in your spiritual walks.
