Property Helpers

We often have tasks that need addressing around our property.  We will use this page to identify the needs so helpers can make their own schedule to assist with repairs.  Contact the office to confirm the repair to be done before addressing.    407-657-4556

  • Porch Light on Preschool building - the light beside the steps needs to be replaced and it's possible the wiring may need repair
  • Backflow for irrigation system needs repaired - ask Christa for more information
  • Resolve keys not working in some buildings
General Repairs:
  • Replace a doorknob in Preschool - contact Christa for more information
  • Repair bench in field between Preschool and Prayer Labyrinth
  • New AC box in Sanctuary needs better fasteners to the wall
  • Playground fence - missing/damaged support braces replaced
Special Tools Needed:
  • Power wash sidewalks around church building, porch steps & ramp for Preschool and Office - pressure washer
  • Sanctuary projectors clean out - tall ladder and canned air
  • Change the AC filters in the Preschool units outside the building (filters have been purchased) - tall ladder
  • Clean gutters around Sanctuary building - tall ladder & long hoses
Larger Projects:
  • Gutters and soffits around the office building installed - trapping of squirrels nesting in the attic
  • Stain & seal the decks on the Preschool
  • Replace speaker wiring throughout the Sanctuary
